YIELD for Illustration Friday

This week’s prompt for Illustration Friday is YIELD.  My illustration is so opposite of yield.

2011 was a tough year for me and my family.  My mother passed away at the end of the year.  Taking care of her and my surviving father had been the focus of my family for many months. I didn’t have the time or desire to make art.  It’s been along time since I’ve posted work on Illustration Friday.  I’m glad to be back.

The piece I’ve posted was made when I returned to my weekly watercolor class.  I’ve never painted a superhero figure before, but the image just came to me as I started sketching in class.  I think I know why it popped out of my subconscious. I always thought that the worse thing I would have to deal with is the loss of one of my family members.  We’ve always been so close.  And, while it was a long tough situation to deal with, it was also a time for reflections and growth. It was a test of my character.  When I thought the stress of the situation would crush me, something deep inside kept me going for those I love so much.  I did not yield.

YIELD for Illustration Friday

3 thoughts on “YIELD for Illustration Friday

  1. So sorry about your rough times, but congratulations on getting through it. This is a great superhero. I admit I’m not sure about the practicality of those boots (they do look cool!), but I love the cape, her flowing hair and the cool bike. Great pose too.

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